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MERAK 株式会社

The Power Behind Powerful Growth


MERAK Ltd is a newly established company based in Tokyo Japan. However its root extends beyond one city and across several decades Mr.Herb Wang, the founder and CEO of MERAK, worked as Lead Consultant for CiscoSystems, the world’s largest network company, in Asia Pacific Region for more than a decade.

And Mr. Wang also worked for many years in IT business for Wall Street Companies in New York. Mr. Wang brought a wealth of experience helping enterprise to grow leveraging technology and to innovate with the advance of technology.

Here is the summery of Mr. Wang’s experience

11 Years of

Solid IT development and system management experience for network companies and financial companies on Wall Street. IT management and innovation consulting experience in Cisco working with multiple organizations like government agencies, large enterprises and multi-international corporations. Leading IT Innovation projects in mega events like Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai World Expo.

8 years of

Independent consulting working with Jiangsu government to promote internet based technologies for small and medium companies in the region